School of Business Studies


  • 00m 00s
  • Bachelors
(0 Ratings)


Semester I


Semester II



First Year

  1. BMG101 Ethics and Sustainable Behaviour
  2. SSE121  Introduction to Micro- Economics
  3. MSM131 Mathematics
  4. BCS151 Communication and Study Skills I
  5. ICT131 Introduction to Computer science


  1. SSE122 Introduction to  Macro-economics
  2. MSM192 Business Mathematics
  3. BEN142 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship I
  4. BCS152  Communication and Study Skills II
  5. ICT132 Introduction to Computer Packages   


Second Year

  1. BAC211 Principles of Accounting I
  2. SEC221 Intermediate Microeconomics
  3. MSS241 Business Mathematics I
  4. BMG241 Principles of Management
  5. LIR251 Business Law I
  1. BAC212 Principles of Accounting II
  2. SEC222 Intermediate Macro-economics
  3. MSS242 Business Mathematics II
  4. BMK242 Principles of Marketing
  5. LIR252 Business Law II




Third Year

  1. BAC311 Cost and Management Accounting I
  2. BAC321 Government and NPF ( Not for Profit) Accounting
  3. BAC331 Financial Management and Risk Appraisal
  4. BMG381 Organizational Behavior and Leadership
  5. BAC361 Financial Accounting & Reporting
  1. BAC312 Cost and Management Accounting II
  2. BAC322 Taxation
  3. BEC332 Managerial Economics
  4. BAC372 Financial Markets and Institutions
  5. BBC362 Business Communication



Fourth Year

  1. BMG401 Research Methods
  2. BAC411 Corporate Finance
  3. BAF421 Auditing
  4. BMG461 Strategic Business Management and Policy
  5. BAF431 Taxation II
  1. BMG402 Research Report 
  2. BAC442 Accounting Information System
  3. BMG452 Operation Research
  4. BAF432 Advanced Financial Reporting
  5. BAF422 Auditing II




Third Year

  1. BAC331 Financial Management and Risk Appraisal
  2. SEC361 Development Economics
  3. SEC311 Labour Economics
  4. BMG381 Organisation and Leadership
  5. SEC321  Basic Econometrics
  1. BAC322 Taxation
  2. BEC332 Managerial Economics
  3. SEC312 Money and Banking
  4. BBC362 Business Communication

  Electives 1 /4

  1. BAC372 Financial Markets and Institutions
  2. BMK372 Logistics Management
  3. BMG342 Operations Management
  4. BEN362 Innovation Creativity and Entrepreneurship



Fourth Year

  1. BMG401 Research Methods
  2. BEC431 Investment Appraisal and Analysis
  3. BEC421 International Trade 
  4. BEC441 Transport Economics and Logistics
  5. BMG461 Strategic Business Management and Policy

  1. BMG402  Research Report
  2. BEC432 Public Finance
  3. BEC422 International Finance 
  4. BMG452 Operations Research

Electives  1/ 3

  1. BEN452 Organizational Learning
  2. BAC412 Advanced Accounting



Third Year

  1. BMK301 Consumer Behaviour
  2. BAC331 Financial Management and Risk Appraisal
  3. BBE371 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship II
  4. BMG381 Organizational Behaviour and Leadership

Elective 1 / 3

  1. BAC311 Cost and Management Accounting I
  2. SEC311 Labour Economics
  3. BAC361 Financial Accounting
  1. BMK302 Marketing Research
  2. BMK372 Logistics Management
  3. BMK382 Service Marketing
  4. BMK392 Tourism Marketing
  5. BBC362 Business Communication


Fourth Year

  1. BMG401 Research Methods
  2. BMG461 Strategic Business Management and Policy
  3. BMK471 International Marketing
  4. BMK481 Selling and sale Management
  5. BMK491 Strategic Marketing
  1. BMG402  Research Report
  2. BMK432 Marketing Communication
  3. BMG452 Operations Research
  4. BMK442 Event Marketing.

 Electives 1 / 2

  1. SEC351 International Trade
  2. BEN482 International Business



Third Year

  1. BAC311 Cost and Management Accounting I
  2. BAC331 Financial Management and Risk Appraisal
  3. BAC361 Financial Accounting
  4. BMG381 Organizational Behaviour
  5. BMG391 Human Resource Management
  1. BAC312 Cost and Management Accounting II
  2. BEC332 Managerial Economics
  3. BMG342 Operations Management
  4. BEN362 Innovation Creativity and Entrepreneurship
  5. BBC362 Business Communication



Fourth Year

  1. BMG401 Research Methods
  2. BAC411 Corporate Finance
  3. BMG441 Management Information Systems
  4. BMG461 Strategic Business Management and Policy

Electives 1 /5

  1. SEC351 International Trade
  2. BBE441 Intellectual Property Rights
  3. BAF421 Auditing
  4. BEC431 Investment Appraisal and Analysis
  5. BMK481 Selling and Sales Management
  1. BMG402  Research Report
  2. BMG452 Operations Research
  3. BMG482 Small Business Management
  4. BMG462 Quality Management

 Electives 1 / 4

  1. SEC352 International Finance
  2. SEC332 Public Finance
  3. BBE482 International Business

The Programme is accredited with ACCA.As a result Students pursuing this programme will be extempted from 9 fundamental levels from ACCA's Professional Qualification;upon completion Students will be able to enroll at ACCA Professional(Final) level.It is also accredited by CIMA,upon completion Students will be able to enroll in CIMA programme at Strategic Level.




Short Description

The Programme is accredited with ACCA.As a result Students pursuing this programme will be extempted from 9 fundamental levels from ACCA's Professional Qualification;upon completion Students will be able to enroll at ACCA Professional(Final) level.It is a

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