Semester I
Semester II
First Year
- BMG101 Ethics and Sustainable Behaviour
- SSE121 Introduction to Micro- Economics
- MSM131 Mathematics
- BCS151 Communication and Study Skills I
- ICT131 Introduction to Computer science
- SSE122 Introduction to Macro-economics
- MSM192 Business Mathematics
- BEN142 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship I
- BCS152 Communication and Study Skills II
- ICT132 Introduction to Computer Packages
Second Year
- BAC211 Principles of Accounting I
- SEC221 Intermediate Microeconomics
- MSS241 Business Mathematics I
- BMG241 Principles of Management
- LIR251 Business Law I
- BAC212 Principles of Accounting II
- SEC222 Intermediate Macro-economics
- MSS242 Business Mathematics II
- BMK242 Principles of Marketing
- LIR252 Business Law II
Third Year
- BAC311 Cost and Management Accounting I
- BAC321 Government and NPF ( Not for Profit) Accounting
- BAC331 Financial Management and Risk Appraisal
- BMG381 Organizational Behavior and Leadership
- BAC361 Financial Accounting & Reporting
- BAC312 Cost and Management Accounting II
- BAC322 Taxation
- BEC332 Managerial Economics
- BAC372 Financial Markets and Institutions
- BBC362 Business Communication
Fourth Year
- BMG401 Research Methods
- BAC411 Corporate Finance
- BAF421 Auditing
- BMG461 Strategic Business Management and Policy
- BAF431 Taxation II
- BMG402 Research Report
- BAC442 Accounting Information System
- BMG452 Operation Research
- BAF432 Advanced Financial Reporting
- BAF422 Auditing II
Third Year
- BAC331 Financial Management and Risk Appraisal
- SEC361 Development Economics
- SEC311 Labour Economics
- BMG381 Organisation and Leadership
- SEC321 Basic Econometrics
- BAC322 Taxation
- BEC332 Managerial Economics
- SEC312 Money and Banking
- BBC362 Business Communication
Electives 1 /4
- BAC372 Financial Markets and Institutions
- BMK372 Logistics Management
- BMG342 Operations Management
- BEN362 Innovation Creativity and Entrepreneurship
Fourth Year
- BMG401 Research Methods
- BEC431 Investment Appraisal and Analysis
- BEC421 International Trade
- BEC441 Transport Economics and Logistics
- BMG461 Strategic Business Management and Policy
- BMG402 Research Report
- BEC432 Public Finance
- BEC422 International Finance
- BMG452 Operations Research
Electives 1/ 3
- BEN452 Organizational Learning
- BAC412 Advanced Accounting
Third Year
- BMK301 Consumer Behaviour
- BAC331 Financial Management and Risk Appraisal
- BBE371 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship II
- BMG381 Organizational Behaviour and Leadership
Elective 1 / 3
- BAC311 Cost and Management Accounting I
- SEC311 Labour Economics
- BAC361 Financial Accounting
- BMK302 Marketing Research
- BMK372 Logistics Management
- BMK382 Service Marketing
- BMK392 Tourism Marketing
- BBC362 Business Communication
Fourth Year
- BMG401 Research Methods
- BMG461 Strategic Business Management and Policy
- BMK471 International Marketing
- BMK481 Selling and sale Management
- BMK491 Strategic Marketing
- BMG402 Research Report
- BMK432 Marketing Communication
- BMG452 Operations Research
- BMK442 Event Marketing.
Electives 1 / 2
- SEC351 International Trade
- BEN482 International Business
Third Year
- BAC311 Cost and Management Accounting I
- BAC331 Financial Management and Risk Appraisal
- BAC361 Financial Accounting
- BMG381 Organizational Behaviour
- BMG391 Human Resource Management
- BAC312 Cost and Management Accounting II
- BEC332 Managerial Economics
- BMG342 Operations Management
- BEN362 Innovation Creativity and Entrepreneurship
- BBC362 Business Communication
Fourth Year
- BMG401 Research Methods
- BAC411 Corporate Finance
- BMG441 Management Information Systems
- BMG461 Strategic Business Management and Policy
Electives 1 /5
- SEC351 International Trade
- BBE441 Intellectual Property Rights
- BAF421 Auditing
- BEC431 Investment Appraisal and Analysis
- BMK481 Selling and Sales Management
- BMG402 Research Report
- BMG452 Operations Research
- BMG482 Small Business Management
- BMG462 Quality Management
Electives 1 / 4
- SEC352 International Finance
- SEC332 Public Finance
- BBE482 International Business